The background for this prospective not-randomized study was to evaluate if regular training can
reduce sick leave for employees having musculoskeletal problems. 33 employees (14 women / 19
men) in two Norwegian industrial companies, having shoulder, neck and back problems, participated
in 12 month period. The Norwegian developed S-E-T concept was used as training intervention.
The S-E-T (Sling Exercise Therapy) program consisted of regular relaxation exercises performed at
the workplace, and individual training at home three times per week. The training program was
developed by an experienced physiotherapist. Results from the study showed that relaxation and
physical training, in combination with follow-up and assistance by a physiotherapist, can significantly
reduce the sick leave for employees have musculoskeletal problems.
33 employees of two Norwegian industrial enterprises with neck, shoulder and back problems reduced
their specific absenteeism by a total of 558 days, i.e. 14.7 days per man-year, which amounted to 80%
of the absenteeism due to musculoskeletal ailments. Total absenteeism was reduced by 437 days, i.e.
11.5 days per man-year. This reduction was sustained the year after the intervention.
The article is only available in Norwegian.