Frequently Asked Questions

We analyze biomechanics, neuromuscular systems and diagnose, evaluate and treat in 3D. 
We are the first in the country to use 3D digital scanning to analyze movement patterns and get objective measures, without limitations and error. Movement recorded using 3D technology lets us see important details and comprehensive data in slow motion and replay with clients and colleagues: face to face and online.

3D movement analysis gives us the leading edge in PT: Recognizing movement disorders; evaluating range of motion and muscle discrepancies and tracking progress and efficient treatment. 


Old injuries and new injuries cause postural disequilibrium, and our system adapts to a new normal. The postural system is self-maintaining and self -adapting and will never be able to correct the new state of imbalance on its own. By correcting imbalances or “weak links” in the whole system, activating dormant muscles and inhibiting muscles that are overworking, we are able to restore function more efficiently to prevent further injury and enable faster recovery.

3D Scan digital technology analyzes movement and muscle activation and identifies areas needing improvement. A detailed report is generated, enabling visualization and assessment of data. Individualized treatment plans target specific issues and track treatment progression, speeding up recovery and preventing injuries. 

Yes.  Once we have an accurate 3D recording and measurement of your movement, balance and posture, we can design a program and provide you with a customized exercise program.

Our postural system is self-maintaining and self-adapting. Stress or an old injury can cause our system to adapt to a new normal or pathological pattern leading to a permanent state of imbalance, pain and dysfunction.

More than 90% of people present with postural disequilibrium.  Years of imbalance cause abnormal strains on the body’s tissues, which result in various painful pathologies.  Postureworks can help you correct postural imbalances before the damage is done.  Since we have a system that allows us to test where the “weak links” are, we are able to minimize reoccurrence of injuries by correcting imbalances that are often not yet symptomatic.  Don’t let chronic pain, or a chronic injury from sports or an accident get the in the way of your best life.

We have not invented a new medicine but a new way of looking at medicine. Normal posture = absence of strain, harmonious = no pain. More than 90% of people present postural with disequilibrium. We treat the cause, not the symptoms. Postural disorders occur in all 3 dimensions. They are responsible for excessive strain and demand on muscles and ligaments. Posture is not determined by isolated muscles but by groups of muscle chains.

Any dysfunction or disharmony in these proprioceptive muscle chains will lead to postural disorders. Postural disorders are at the root of every mechanical strain thus fail to cure the patient. Postureworks focuses on correcting postural disorders and the roots of mechanical strain to avoid future injury. If your body is out of alignment it does not function properly and is susceptible to injury.

For example, your shoulder problem may be stemming from an old injury and imbalance in your hips.  Furthermore, imbalances in your hips may be causing chronic ankle sprains.  We design a comprehensive program that works for you and your lifestyle vs. treating one joint or area of your body.  You, as the client, are active in the process.  You should feel results every session. Our team of committed therapists and movement specialists work diligently to provide a calm, focused, and productive environment.  We also offer maintenance programs and memberships for corrective exercise, postural training and performance training.

Postureworks professionals use a suspension system to put you in a weightless, pain-free setting. The slings and bungees support you, to correct postural imbalances, enabling the right muscles to work at the right time. With injury or trauma, our body is in the state of “fight-or-flight.”  Our goal is to restore homeostasis and eliminate subconscious and conscious muscular guarding/holding patterns and pain.

The Neurac treatment focuses on correcting weak links in the different muscle chains causing pain and dysfunction. Treatment usually results in immediate pain reduction and improved performance.

If you are a candidate for surgery, we will correct imbalances so that you can prepare for a faster recovery. If you are post surgery, we carefully address your whole movement pattern to prevent the development of new dysfunctional compensations.