The effect of exercise therapy on chronic musculoskeletal pain is generally low and moderate at best. In this paper a new exercise treatment method, Neurac, is described with theoretical background, development, main content, and documentation. Neurac is a treatment method that aims at regaining normal functional movement patterns in patients with musculoskeletal disorders, by using high levels of neuromuscular stimulation This is an active treatment approach including four main elements: 1. Bodyweightbearing exercises utilizing the Redcord sling system, 2. Controlled vibration to selected body parts, 3. Gradual increase of resistance (work-load), 4. No pain or no increase of existing pain. A newly developed vibration apparatus, Redcord Stimula, is often used to augment neural adaptations by a potential increase in activation of muscle spindles. The Neurac method also includes testing procedures for neuromuscular function of the kinetic chains, and the integration of «local» and «global» muscle function. Theoretically, Neurac is based on supporting research on bodyweightbearing exercises loading the biomechanical chains. Further, based on neuroscience and clinical trials the method utilizes vibration to increase neural drive and to decrease pain. The development of the Neurac-methodology has emerged from the S-E-T concept (Sling Exercise Therapy). The new methodology involves use of the Redcord Trainer (formerly called TerapiMaster), workstation and the vibration apparatus. Documentation: Systematic observations in the clinic show changes after implementation, but research is needed to evaluate the efficiency of the Neurac-method as a physiotherapeutic tool.
Key Words: Musculoskeletal pain, Neuromuscular function, Neurac, Redcord, Vibration, Physical
therapy modality, Physical therapy speciality